Trivium is our most flexible trivia software, multiple versions allow you various options to manage your trivia games your way:
1) Import questions you have purchased from other sources.
2) Write your own questions directly into the program database.
3) Purchase general trivia game sets from SGME software that are ready to use.
4) Purchase themed trivia game sets from SGME software that are ready to use.
5) Utilize our subscription service with a flat monthly rate that gives you Mon-Thur games to download with one-click.
Trivium Version 1 – Purchase the software for $299. Enter you own questions, purchase our ready-made general trivia at $12.00 per game set or purchase our ready-made themed trivia for $24.00 per game set.
Trivium Version 2 – Purchase the software for $99 and then purchase our ready-made general trivia at $12.00 per game set or purchase our ready-made themed trivia for $24.00 per game set.
Trivium Version 3 – Nothing to buy. This is our monthly subscription service of $149 and download our daily (Monday-Thursday games).
Our general trivia game sets are professionally-written questions that have been researched, and over 90% of our questions contain support notes that are available on the host screen when the questions are read.
Trivium also can work in conjunction with our Trivia Content Generator to assist you in developing visual content for your custom trivia games. Trivia Content Generator creates Scrambled Words, Word Twist Boards, Bamboozles (word puzzles), Anagrams and simple two-word crossword puzzles called Cross Words.
Additionally, once you have purchased the trivia game sets, they are available to use at any time in the future from the game selection option in Trivium.